“Hospice workers have proclaimed through their
Loving Care
of those who are dying, that people are infinitely precious. That even at the end of their lives they matter most.”
– Nelson Mandela –
The concept of a Hospice in Stellenbosch was the idea of Fred and Maud Creech of the Rotary Club and in
1991 Our Journey began
We initially operated out of a garage, with our first patients benefiting from the compassionate care of Sister Libby Reynecke.

Butterfly Ward
In 2010 we opened our 12-bed Butterfly Ward in the East Wing of Stellenbosch District Hospital. Stellenbosch Hospice npc is a five-star, COHSASA (Council for Health Services Accreditation of South Africa) accredited hospice.
Our Vision
is to provide palliative care of excellence to individuals and families who are affected by a life threatening or life limiting disease in order to enhance their quality of life.

Our Mission
is to render a compassionate holistic service of physical, emotional, social and spiritual care to individuals and their families from the broader Stellenbosch communities. We strive to promote the highest possible quality of life during the time of illness and on the bereavement journey. In the provision of the service we involve communities, effectively network and build strong partnerships with both private and public service providers.
Get in Touch
Hospice Central:
Call: 021 886 5994
Email: info@stellhospice.co.za
Our Hospice Charity Shop:
Call: 021 887 9349
Email shop@stellhospice.co.za